Sunday 19 July 2015

Hello fellow bloggers! ♡

As this is my first blog post, I guess I should begin with introducing myself! Instead of the typical introduction of "My name is ....." I will instead list some basic -slightly uninteresting- facts about me.

1. My name is Natalie, but I have grown a collection of various different nicknames: the usual "Nat", Naytahlee (don't ask, inside joke with a friend), Nat Rat & Nati, which my family tend to call me most by.

2. My favorite color changes frequently, varying from different shades of blue, black & grey, to every pastel color in existence. 

3. I love all animals (possibly and undoubtedly more than I like humans), but if I had to pick a main fave, dogs would have to be the ultimate furry companion to have around.

4. I love to read, preferably autobiographies as I like to knowledge myself about the interesting lives of others which I envy yet love, but I will read plenty of novels too.

5. I'm bad at most things, but the one thing I enjoy to do is dance, although I'm not great at it.

6. Although I procrastinate as if my life depends on it, I do enjoy learning, yet quite dislike school more than I'd like to. (A bit contradicting, right?)

7. I strive to live a fulfilling, happy,extravagant, joyful & limitless life, hence my blog title. (Although, by 'limitless' I do not mean dangerously/stupidly risky or harmful)

8. I admittedly spend the majority of my life on YouTube watching my favorite YouTubers and listening to music or reading. (I'll say that I also study a lot just so that I don't come across as lazy, haha)

9. A few of my fave YouTubers consist of Zoella, SprinkleOfGlitter, PointlessBlog, Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart, iisuperwomanii & Tyler Oakley

10. I love food

11. As I am a very boring person, I have already ran out of facts about myself. 

I'll leave it at that for now, and if anyone was bothered enough to actually read my first blog, I salute you! Also, please take 2 seconds of your time to follow me on this blog as it would mean the world to me :) If anyone wants to know anything about me, or has any recommendations, please feel free to ask me/let me know and I will answer back to you.

Living Limitless (or attempting to anyway, lol)

    Nat Christine 


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